Thursday, April 21, 2011

Paperwork and Preparing to Move

So much to do, so little time!

Where to begin... where to begin. The amount of paperwork involved in participating on the JET Program and moving to another country for at least a year is rather daunting. I need to get a detailed physical from a licensed MD, obtain an FBI background check (to make sure I'm not a criminal lol), apply for a visa to legally live and work in Japan, file a bunch of stuff with the IRS (to exempt me from Japanese taxes - awesome!), I need to get an international drivers license from AAA, and I probably need to file for a 'Power of Attorney' in case I become legally involved in stuff while I am away (Jury duty anyone?).

I need to buy a suit case because I only have one (I'll be bringing two large ones, a medium carry-on, and a shoulder "under-the-seat-in-front-of-me" bag). I need to cancel my cell phone service. I have to stop my car insurance. Depending on where I am placed, I may have to buy a whole new wardrobe (the Japanese dress really nice, ladies and gentleman - much nicer than anything I own).

My biggest frustration is that I have to sell my pride and joy - my baby - my car! I realllllllly don't want to sell her, but I can't really find a way around it. I have nowhere to store her. The tires would go flat, the battery would die, the paint would wither away in the sun. It's such a shame. I paid for her in cash, up-front, and its amazing not to have a car payment. She is going to be missed.

I also need to be on the eye out for omiyage (gifts for all the new people I will be working with) as well as "rewards" for my students when they perform exceptionally well. I need to prepare a jikoshoukai (self-introduction) because lord knows I'll be giving it at least a dozen times in my first couple weeks in Japan.

All that being said, there is really one thing that needs to take precedence above ALL of this. I bet you can guess what it is.... it's Nihongo. Yes, that's right, Japanese. I need to study my ass off....

Well, I suppose this wasn't particularly interesting to read, so if you made it this far I thank you!

Stay tuned for my next blog, and see you later!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jordan!

    That's awesome you're going to be able to go Japan! It's on my list of places that I want to go to in the future. Wish you the best of luck in the JET program.

